professional services
Every industry has its own unique tax and accounting challenges, and law firms stand out in that respect. From the complicated system of billable hours to finding ways to optimize your after-tax profits, law firms need financial planning and business guidance from a company well-versed in the regulations and guidelines inherent to this professional service industry.
Lethert has that expertise. Our highly trained and knowledgeable advisers can ease your mind in all areas of taxes and accounting, including:
Tax Planning
Tax Return Preparation
IRS Issues
Financial Statements
Outsourced CFO Services
Cash Flow Analysis and Management
Business Start-up Assistance
Mergers and Acquisitions Consultations
Partnership Agreement Strategies
When you choose Lethert, you’re hiring an accounting firm with over 100 years of experience, much of that with members of the legal profession. We understand what you need and want to help you reach your career and financial goals.
For more information, contact a Lethert professional today!